
Se sei un frequentatore abituale di Loose Ends e ritieni utile il lavoro svolto, considera l'ipotesi di fare una piccola donazione a sostegno delle spese di gestione. Grazie!

The Essential

11 novembre 2003

  1. Blinded by the Light
  2. For You
  3. Spirit in the Night
  4. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
  5. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
  6. Thunder Road
  7. Born to Run
  8. Jungleland
  9. Badlands
  10. Darkness of the Edge of Town
  11. The Promised Land
  12. The River
  13. Hungry Heart
  14. Nebraska
  15. Atlantic City
  16. Born in the U.S.A.
  17. Glory Days
  18. Dancing in the Dark
  19. Tunnel of Love
  20. Brilliant Disguise
  21. Human Touch
  22. Living Proof
  23. Lucky Town
  24. Streets of Philadelphia
  25. The Ghost of Tom Joad
  26. The Rising
  27. Mary' Place
  28. Lonesome Day
  29. American Skin (41 Shouts)
  30. Land of Hope and Dream
  31. From Small Things (Big ThingsOne Day Come)
  32. The Big Payback
  33. Held Up Without a Gun
  34. Trapped
  35. None But The Brave
  36. Missing
  37. Lift Me Up
  38. Viva Las Vegas
  39. County Fair
  40. Code of Silence
  41. Dead Man Walkin'
  42. Countin' on a Miracle


Loose Ends - Milano 2013

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