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The Ghost of Tom Joad

21 Novembre 1995

 1 - The Ghost of Tom Joad
 2 - Strainght Time
 3 - Highway 29
 4 - Youngstown
 5 - Sinaloa Cowboys
 6 - The Line
 7 - Balboa Park
 8 - Dry Lightning
 9 - The New Timer
10 - Across the Border
11 - Galveston Bay
12 - My Best Was Never Good Enough 


Bruce Springsteen: Voce, chitarra, organo, armonica a bocca


Danny Federici: Organo in The Ghost of Tom Joad Straight Time

Garry Tallent: Basso in The Ghost of Tom JoadDry Lightning

Soosie Tyrell: Violino in Straight Time, Youngstown, Dry Lightning Across the Border

Patti Scialfa: Cori in Across the Border

Garry Mallaber: Batteria in The Ghost of Tom Joad, Straight Time, Youngstown, Dry Lightning Across the Border

Jim Hanson: Basso in Straight Time Youngstown

Marty Rifkin: Pedal steel guitar in The Ghost of Tom Joad, Youngstown Across the Border

Chuck Plotkin: Tastiere in Youngstown

Jennifer Condos: Basso in Across the Border

Lisa Lowell: Cori in Across the Border


Prodotto da Bruce Springsteen e Chuck Plotkin

Registrato e mixato da Toby Scott al Thrill Hill

Cover art: Eric Dinyer/Graphicstock

Foto interne: Pamela Springsteen


Setlists del Solo Acoustic Tour





Loose Ends - Milano 2013

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