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The Complete Video Anthology/1978-2000 (DVD)

The complete Video Anthology / 1978-2000





  1. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
  2. The River
  3. Thunder Road
  4. Atlantic City
  5. Dancing in The Dark
  6. Born in The U.S.A.
  7. I'm on Fire
  8. Glory Days
  9. My Hometown
  10. War
  11. Fire
  12. Born to Run
  13. Brilliant Disguise
  14. Tunnel of Love
  15. One Step Up
  16. Tougher Than the Rest
  17. Spare Parts
  18. Born to Run (Acoustic)
  19. Human Touch
  20. Better Days
  21. 57 Channel (And Nothin' On)
  22. Leap of Faith
  23. Streets of Philadelphia
  24. Murder Incorporated
  25. Secret Garden
  26. Hungry Heart
  27. Dead Man Walkin'
  28. The Ghost of Tom Joad
  29. The Ghost of Tom Joad (From The Tonight Show whit Jay Leno)
  30. Higway Patrolman
  31. If I Should Fall Behind
  32. Born in the U.S.A. (From Charlie Rose)
  33. Secret Garden (With Strings)

* Pubblicato in parte in VHS nel 1989 con il titolo "The Video Antology 1978-1988"



Loose Ends - Milano 2013

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