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Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.

5 gennaio 1973

  1.  Blinded by the Light
  2. Growin' Up
  3. Mary Queen of Arkansas
  4. Does this Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
  5. Lost in the Flood
  6. The Angel
  7. For You
  8. Spirit in the Night
  9. It's Hard to be a Saint in the City


Bruce Springsteen: Chitarra acustica, chitarra elettrica, conga, armonica a bocca. Basso in "Blinded by the Light" e "Spirit in the Night".

Vincent "Loper" Lopez: Batteria

Clarence Clemons: Sassofono, voci

Garry Tallent: Basso

David Sancious: Piano, organo

Harold Wheeler: Piano in "Blinded by the Light"

Richard Davis: Contrabbasso in "The Angel"


 Prodotto da Mike Appel e Jim Cretecos

Registrato al : 914 Sound Studios, Blauvelt, New York

Ingegnere del suono: Louis Lehav

Remixato da: Jack Ashkinazy



Loose Ends - Milano 2013

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