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 Messaggio Inviato: giovedì 19 dicembre 2013, 19:00 
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Iscritto il: lunedì 5 marzo 2007, 13:34
Messaggi: 247
da Rolling Stone Germany

Author Arne Willander is one of the most famous german Music journalists and a fan of Bruce. He calls HH his most radical Album since Devils and Dust. The Music is described as a new Sound with Tom Morello´s guitar being the most important Instrument. The Sound feels more free because Aniello did the Co-Production than the compressed O´Brien-Style. The new High Hopes Songs are called a surprise:

1. High Hopes: folk direction that fits to Wrecking Ball and Seeger Sessions
2. Harrys Place: Sarcastic Piece about small Gangsters
3. 41 Shots: fresh Aggression in comparsion to the well known Live Version
4.Just like fire would: Wild like the stuff of the River era
5. Down in the hole: Rhythm like I´m on fire, convincing ballad with organ and Banjo that builds up to Irish folk
6. Heaven´s Wall reminds on World´s Apart with strong Refrain "raise your Hands", wild tune with choir, Bongos and Morellos guitar
7. Frankie fell in Love: Fun tune that could have been on River Album
8. This is your sword: Biblical theme with backpipe melody
9. Hunter of Invisible game: fresh song with melody like a filmmusic
10. The ghost of Tom Joad: hard rocking hymn
11. The wall: Tender Requiem
12. weaker than D&D live Version because the endless end is missing

Overall impression: drastically and radical and unexpected strong work.

That´s what Mr. Willander says, who also gave Wrecking Ball 4.5 stars.

Wrecking Ball è un album fantastico!

 Messaggio Inviato: sabato 21 dicembre 2013, 10:27 
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 26 agosto 2009, 14:16
Messaggi: 252
stoneface ha scritto:
da Rolling Stone Germany

Author Arne Willander is one of the most famous german Music journalists and a fan of Bruce. He calls HH his most radical Album since Devils and Dust.

devo essere assai distratto perchè che D&D fosse un album "radicale" mi era proprio ma proprio sfuggito.

Comunque l'attesa è proprio fibrillante....................

 Messaggio Inviato: martedì 24 dicembre 2013, 12:30 
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Loose Enders
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Iscritto il: martedì 12 marzo 2013, 14:44
Messaggi: 1211
LocalitĂ : Milano
ma 4.5 stars su quante in totale 5 o 10? :mrgreen:

.. and sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky .. a human being that was given to fly ..
and after all this, won't you give me a smile?

 Messaggio Inviato: martedì 24 dicembre 2013, 14:13 
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Loose Enders Senior
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008, 18:57
Messaggi: 3234
clover68 ha scritto:
ma 4.5 stars su quante in totale 5 o 10? :mrgreen:

Clover ormai si ragiona in centesimi :mrgreen:

the ticket-seeking, hotel-booking, money-juggling, plane-taking, train-riding, queue-forming, tramp-meeting, feet-throbbing, back-breaking, burger-eating, rain-enduring, music-loving, Boss-following…legendary E Street Fans !

 Messaggio Inviato: martedì 24 dicembre 2013, 14:34 
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Loose Enders
Loose Enders
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Iscritto il: martedì 12 marzo 2013, 14:44
Messaggi: 1211
LocalitĂ : Milano
azz pensavo che Wrecking Ball fosse un attimino piĂą bello allora :mrgreen:

.. and sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky .. a human being that was given to fly ..
and after all this, won't you give me a smile?

 Messaggio Inviato: martedì 31 dicembre 2013, 1:02 
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Loose Enders
Loose Enders
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Iscritto il: martedì 17 maggio 2005, 12:58
Messaggi: 632
LocalitĂ : Bovalino (RC)
A quanto pare questo album di transizione potrebbe regalarci un album capolavoro e a questo punto il vero tour nel 2015:

http://m.rollingstone.com/music/news/br ... e-20131230


 Messaggio Inviato: martedì 31 dicembre 2013, 11:03 
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Loose Enders Senior
Loose Enders Senior
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008, 18:57
Messaggi: 3234
Benji81 ha scritto:
A quanto pare questo album di transizione potrebbe regalarci un album capolavoro e a questo punto il vero tour nel 2015:

http://m.rollingstone.com/music/news/br ... e-20131230

qui in italiano
http://www.rollingstonemagazine.it/musi ... roduttore/

the ticket-seeking, hotel-booking, money-juggling, plane-taking, train-riding, queue-forming, tramp-meeting, feet-throbbing, back-breaking, burger-eating, rain-enduring, music-loving, Boss-following…legendary E Street Fans !

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